The travel reports are listed under the following headings:
- Entomology and the control of pests
- Plant diseases
- Agronomy and crop science
- Plant science
- Social and economic impact of horticulture
Entomology and the control of pests
Microbe-assisted crop production – opportunities, challenges and needs.
15-18 July 2024, Vienna, Austria. Dr Matevz Papp-Rupar
The Entomological Society of America, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
12-16 November 2022. Dr Michelle Fountain.
International Conference on Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Tbilisi, Georgia.
9-16 March 2019. Dr Glen Powell.
Pest Control in Apple Orchards Under Future Climate Prediction, European Congress of Entomology. Naples, ITALY. 1-11 July 2018. Stuart Edwards.
Attendance of the XI European Congress of Entomology, 2-6th July 2018, Naples, ITALY. Bethan Shaw
Study visit to the Italian research institute Edmund Mach Foundation to investigate on the subject of parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii. ITALY. 28-29 June 2018. Francesco Maria Rogai.
OBC Working Group on Integrated Control of Plant-feeding Mites. Chania, GREECE. 4-7 Sept 2017. Dr Chantelle Jay.
Golden Jubilee Conference of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, University of California. San Diego, USA / 2nd Ag Innovations Conference: Microbial Control. USA. 12–20 Aug 2017. Dr David Chandler
International Organisation for Biological Control conference: Integrated control in Protected Crops, temperate climate. Niagara Falls, CANADA. 4-8 June 2017. Jude Bennison.
Tuscon Plant Breeding Institute and Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXV. Tuscon, USA. Jan 2017. Joe He.
Development of a protocol for the planning and implementation of a pilot trial using SIT against codling moth in Europe. 13–17 February 2017. Dr Charles Whitfield.
9th International Conference on Integrated Fruit Production, Thessaloniki, Greece. 4-8 September 2016. Bethan Shaw.
International Advances in Pesticide Application, Barcelona, Spain. 13-15 January 2016. David Talbot.
Project Report 2015 Thika, KENYA. May-Aug 2015. Alastair Arnold. Research project to evaluate control of Frankliniella occidentalis with Metarhizium anisopliae in crop production using an auto-dissemination system.
1st International Whitefly Symposium 2013 Kolymbari, CRETE. 20-25 May 2013. Dr Andrew Cuthbertson (of FERA) was awarded the David Stapley Travel Grant.
Future IPM in Europe 2013 Riva del Garda, ITALY. 19-21 Mar 2013. Dr Jean Fitzgerald. An International Congress on ‘Pesticide Use and Risk Reduction for Future Integrated Pest Management in Europe.’
Pest Management Study Tour 2012 Great Lakes & Pacific NW America & Canada. 31 Jul-8 Sep 2012. Prof Jerry Cross. A five week study tour of North America to examine new developments and thoughts concerning invasive pest species.
Plant diseases
International Society of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions XVIII Congress, Glasgow. 14-18 July 2019. Helen Cockerton.
International Society of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions XVIII Congress, Glasgow. 14-18 July 2019. Dr Michelle Hulin.
Molecular Biology of Plant Pathogens (MBPP) Conference. 29-30 March 2017. Durham, UK. Thomas Adams.
12th International Verticillium Symposium (IVS). 6–9 Oct, 2016. Ljubljana, SLOVENIA. Emma Cascant.
16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. 21-26 August 2016, Montreal, CANADA. Prof Xiangming Xu.
2016 International Society of Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions XVII Congress, Portland, Oregon, USA. 17-21 July 2016. Dr Charlotte Nellist.
International Bremia Evaluation Board Workshop 2014 Angers, FRANCE. Nov 2014. Dr Claire Burns.
International Congress of Plant Pathology 2013 Beijing, CHINA. 25-30 Aug 2013. Dr Robert Saville.
11th International Verticillium Symposium 2013 Gottingen, GERMANY. 5-8 May 2013. Prof Xiangming Xu.
Agronomy and crop science
Mushroom Days Exhibition, Den Bosch, The Netherlands.
10th-12th May 2023. Dr Ralph Noble.
International Allium Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
24-27 July 2019. Andrew Taylor.
Greensys 2019 – International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for Innovative Greenhouses, Angers, France.
16-21 June 2019. Dr Nicola Harrison.
Seasonal Plants Study Tour to the North-West Coast of the USA and Canada.
19-27 Feb 2017. Chloe Whiteside.
8th International Strawberry Symposium, Quebec City, Canada. 13-17th Aug 2016. Adam Whitehouse.
Association for Vertical Farming Summit and Greentech 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 13-14 June 2016. Dr Rhydian Beynon-Davies.
Eighth International Conference on Mycorrhiza (ICOM8) Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. 3-7 Aug 2015. Benjamin Langendorf.
Eighth International Conference on Mycorrhiza (ICOM8) Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. 3-7 Aug 2015. Dr Louisa Robinson Boyer
International Symposium on Plant Phytobiology 2013 Edinburgh, UK. 3-6 Jun 2013. Dr Phillip Davis. Looking at ways of developing an understanding of how crop plants respond to light, with the aim of helping growers make the best use of new advances in both LED lighting and spectral filters.
Mushroom Days Exhibition 2013 Den Bosch and visits to Substrate Producers in THE NETHERLANDS & BELGIUM. 29-31 May 2013. Dr Ralph Noble and Dr Kerry Burton.
7th International Conference on Mycorrhiza 2013 New Dehli, INDIA. 6-11 Jan 2013. Louisa Robinson Boyer.
7th International Conference on Mycorrhiza 2013 New Dehli, INDIA. 6-11 Jan 2013. Natallia Gulbis.
Study Tour of the USA 2012 9-18 Apr 2012. Prof Peter J Gregory. Looking at new approaches to rootstocks and fruit production.
Plant science
Fruit Attraction, Madrid Annual Trade Show for the Fruit and Vegetable Sector.
Madrid, Spain. 8th – 10th October 2024. Freya Spafford.
The Third International Congress of Biological Control (ICBC3). San José, Costa Rica. 24th – 27th June 2024. Dr Michelle Fountain.
Nutrition for growth: 6th Global Micronutrient Forum 2023. Netherlands.
16th – 20th October 2023. David Fisher and Annabelle Somers.
Mapping the African eggplant in urban markets, Tanzania.
30th June – 31st July 2023. Noemie David-Rogeat.
Plant BioProTech, Rennes, France.
28-30 June 2022. Dr Metevz Papp-Rupar.
Visit to the Den Bosch Mushroom Days exhibition and mushroom producers, Netherlands.
22-23 May 2019. Dr Ralph Noble.
8th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference, Angers, France. 21-24 June 2016. Dr Helen Cockerton.
11th International Plant Molecular Biology (IPMB) Conference, Iguazu Falls, Brazil. 25-30 October 2015. Steve Jackson.
Visit to the Mushroom Days Exhibition Den Bosch and to Mushroom Substrate and Plant Growing Media Producers in The Netherlands. 2 and 3 June 2016, Dr Ralph Noble.
ISRR9 9th Symposium for the International Society of Root Research, Canberra, Australia. 6-9 October 2015. Dr Stefan Mairhofer.
International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences (IAMPS) Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 19 September 2015. Dr Bo Li.
Study tour and collaborative international experimentation Málaga University, Spain. 16-29 April 2015. Antonio Llorente.
10th Solanacaea Conference 2013 Beijijng, CHINA. 13-17 Oct 2013. Iffah Mohd Nawi. The conference theme was ‘Genome versus Phenome’.
7th European Plant Science Organisation Conference GREECE. 1-4 Sep 2013.Piyatida Amnuaykan.
17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium Istanbul, TURKEY. 19-22 Aug 2013. Dr Eleftheria Stavridou. Plant nutrition for nutrient and food security.
International Science & Technology Conference 2012 Dubai, UAE. 13-15 Dec 2012. Kefaya Qaddoum. Presentation and discussion of research on intelligent systems techniques for tomato yield production.
Visit to INRA 2012 Bordeaux, FRANCE. 29-30 Nov 2012. Dr Nicola Harrison. Science, technologies and facilities for grafted cropping systems.
Social and economic impact of horticulture
Development of a robotic system for harvest of blackberries.
Maidstone, UK. 15 July 2024 – 18 July 2024. Marcello Calisti.
Sustainable New Landscapes in Urban China, Hong Kong. Stephanie Mahon.
III International Conference on Fresh-cut Produce: Maintaining Quality & Safety University of California, Davis, USA. 13-16 September 2015. Luke Bell.
29th International Horticultural Congress 2014 Brisbane AUSTRALIA. 17-22 Aug 2014. ‘Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods & Landscapes’. Carol Wagstaff. Plants as food and understanding the relationship between measurable nutritional content of the crop and the health benefits provided to the end consumer.
Horizon Digital Nutrition Sandpit Workshop 2013 MALAYSIA 21-22 Feb 2013. Martin Chadwick. How digital technology and the analysis of data-bases can be used for crop characteristics and communication to consumers.